

While the world has come to standstill, and we’re all at home now – what is it that you’re doing productive? Have you been thinking about the future? About what happens once this situation is under control, and you’re back to your business! Well, it’s our responsibility to #stayhome at the moment, but how can you make these days productive, and prepare for the future, once we’re back on our feet! We’ve compiled a list of things you can go to up your skills, and learn something!

As a business owner, your role always keeps you on-the-go with little to no time to read through the latest developments, or how you can tap different avenues to scale your business. You can use this time to define the how, what and why of your business – trust us, it will give you an altogether different perspective. While you’re at it, take up a new online course on digital marketing – it is sure to give you newer ideas and thoughts – which can be implemented later on! Here’s a super course to understand how digital can really boost your business:

As a photographer, you’re always out and about shooting, editing and more. Have you taken time to just sit back, reflect, and look and fresh ideas what you can bring to the table? Well, now is the time!

If you like photography – use this time to understand how professional photography works, there are tons of courses online, and you can decide if the stream works for you or not. If you’re a professional photographer – how can you up your game? Check out the latest trends and all the stuff you can explore now – for which you didn’t have time earlier!

Are you a Graphic Designer? Or are you into designing and wish to pursue this as a career? Well, check out quick Photoshop hacks and tricks, which can help you quicken your work. In any creative field, a break must only lead to inspiration – so use this time to inspire you – and get back with a bang, with a new outlook and tons of motivation!

Here’s a quick course you can check out for designing, and understanding graphics:

Are you a Writer? Do you have a blog? If you just answered no to this, you know exactly what you need to do! Channelize your thoughts, be constructive, and pen down your thoughts. So far you’ve always written work related, but as a write, you must make it a point to write for yourself, don’t you think so?

While you’re at it, check out this content marketing course to inspire and motivate you:

Are you a Digital marketeer? What is one new skill you’ve added to your portfolio recently? Have you been so caught up with your job to learn something new, and bring something new to the table? Well, use this time to learn a new skill, a new outlook! Simply read, check out the different marketing techniques, and the new thoughts you can implement in your working life.

Check out Hubspot Academy and Coursera for free online digital marketing courses NOW!

Are you fond of watching online videos? Are you having a field off a day looking at all the memes and different types of videos now that you’re homebound? Well, did you know you could actually create these videos.

Get online, look for different video making courses, and learn a new software! Check out Adobe Premiere or After Effects, and experiment on these platforms!

Are you a SEO specialist? Do you know about the latest tools which can help you in your keyword research? Have you thought about when work picks up, how will you help your clients scale their business and reach out to prospective customers? Use this time to learn about the new keyword tracking tools, and how can SEO help your clients in a positive way!

Are you a web developer? Is there very little work happening remotely? So, what have you been using the free time for? Check out these website courses which can help you design and develop smartly:

Are you an analyst? Last but not the least, a crucial role in any creative agency – the guys with the numbers and updates! Always juggling between different clients, here is your time to scale up and empower yourself with far more statistics, so that you can bounce back with double power!

So, how are you going to make your WFH count? We’d love to hear the courses you’re taking up!

CategoriesDigital Marketing


The marketing industry has evolved, and so have the marketing methods. While the industry has opened up a lot of doors for businesses, there are still quite a few misconceptions about the industry. With this article, we’re going to be busting a few myths of the digital world.

Digital Marketing is not just for big businesses – it also helps small businesses! Digital helps you communicate and engage with your customers – without a call center! Get analysis, sell online, build your base by going digital, and being present!

It’s the only place you can engage and interact with your audience! The moment one comes across a product or service, they look for it online. So without a strong online presence, you are basically ensuring the downfall of your business!

Yes, your website is up and running, but are you updating it with relevant information and news? Keeping your website updated helps you rank higher on search engines, as well as sends a positive message to your customers. So yes, content marketing is very important for any business.

Gone are those days when you couldn’t track sales because of lack of resources. With advanced techniques and software, you can combine your online and offline transactions to understand the impact of your digital campaign.

A website can be a good start, but it’s certainly not enough. Moreover, if you have static content on your website, it’s nothing but calling for death. Visitors need latest information, and if you continue this trend, the visitors will stop altogether!

Each Social profile gives you the scope to reach out to your ideal customers – each one also comes along with a unique set of customers. You need to be omnipresent to reach out to all, engage with all! Don’t let the customer experience suffer by restricting your social reach!

SEO Services in UAE

Search Engine Optimization is miles away from being dead, in fact, it’s more important than anything now! Your users are using search to find out about products, services and anything in between. With the right strategy, SEO can help you connect to people not just locally, but globally.

While that might be one of the biggest myths, it’s the most irrelevant too. Stay relevant, stay updated, stay ahead of your competitors! Don’t kill your business because your competitor is doing the same. Not staying online is helping you miss out on a ton of potential customers.

Get online, get real, and see the world of options and conversations open up for you!

For more information and ideas about Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai, please follow the link.

CategoriesDigital Marketing


WHY: Why do you want the website?

What is it that you wish to achieve? What purpose must the website fulfill? Wanting a website must not be just that, but should have a goal. It’s important to do this because all elements of the website will totally depend on your goals for the website.

Tell them who you are!

As small as it may seem, the about us is one of the most important pages as it gives the users an insight into your company – and it also gives you the opportunity to earn goodwill with your users.

The 5-second rule:

Within 5 seconds, a user must be able to gauge what is your business – if not, there is something wrong! After all, it takes only 5 seconds to understand a person, isn’t it? Clear imagery, Simple Navigation and short headlines and content will help you pass this 5-second test!

The Picture-perfect Homepage:

A homepage is what decides whether a user can turn into a potential consumer or not. Aim to impress the consumer within 10 seconds itself, because 90% of people tend to take an immediate decision.

Call-To-Action buttons:

We can’t stress more on how important this is – because it is the MOST important part of any website. It’s important to show a clear and precise call-to-action to users – it shows them the direction you wish to take them to, and convert into a consumer. It should be designed in a way which gives all the details and specifications of the products, a user might need.

Track conversions:

This will help you understand the marketing strength of the website and will be able to track visitors, their inquiries or can get a detailed analysis of the business through the website.


With so much competition in the market, you don’t want to be lost in the crowd – testimonials with name and an image tend to add a lot more credibility. You could also include a few quotes or case studies, which will help users understand your style of work.


Keep it simple, easy-to-understand and supremely relevant. You really don’t want your users to get lost with complicated navigation now, do you?

Social Media Links:

Given how active we all are on Social Media, don’t be surprised if users first go on to your Social Media account instead of coming to the website – so remember to include your social links on your website – so users landing directly on the website can also track all your online activities.

Success Stories:

Last but not the least, try to incorporate a few customer success stories, awards or recognitions – these also help create an impression and tend to give an edge over the competitors without any success stories on their website!

For more information and ideas about Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai, please follow the link.

CategoriesSocial Media Marketing


At this moment Facebook is the world’s largest social networking site and despite of being social, it’s a major platform for businesses to grow and amplify their business globally.

There are more than 70 million small business pages on Facebook as well as billions of users. You most likely have a Facebook fan page with either handful of fans or thousand to millions of followers . But you must be wondering why your updates reach only 5% to 12% (if you are damn lucky) of your audience. Its thanks to the Facebook algorithm

To overcome this situation , businesses needed to increase likes & blowup website traffic, they needed thousands and millions of new fans and hence they decided to buy Facebook likes

Well, Facebook wants that to end. Why? Their audience tells them that for many, it’s just too much noise.

“People have told us that they dislike spammy posts on Facebook that goad them into interacting with likes, shares, comments, and other actions,” two company representatives said in a company announcement. Starting this week, the company said, it would begin “demoting individual posts from people and Pages that use engagement bait.”

 Mark Zuckerberg is a smart business man who understand the need of the hour .  Facebook wants to encourage users to follow pages where there’s engagement, authenticity and better web experiences, and to avoid those that send out sensational or misleading information



A brief history

In the earlier days of Twitter, engineers used almost any library they were familiar with to meet front-end requirements. Inconsistencies among the individual applications made it difficult to scale and maintain them. Bootstrap began as an answer to these challenges and quickly accelerated during Twitter’s first Hackweek. By the end of Hackweek, we had reached a stable version that engineers could use across the company.

With the help and feedback of many engineers, Bootstrap has grown significantly to encompass not only basic styles, but more elegant and durable front-end design patterns. This release represents our first public 1.0 release and the open sourcing of many months of hard work.

Why use Bootstrap

At its core, Bootstrap is just CSS, but it’s built with Less, a flexible pre-processor that offers much more power and flexibility than regular CSS. With Less, we gain a range of features like nested declarations, variables, mixins, operations, and color functions. Additionally, since Bootstrap is purely CSS when compiled via Less, we gain two important benefits:

First, Bootstrap remains very easy to implement; just drop it in your code and go. Compiling Less can be accomplished via Javascript, an unofficial Mac application, or via Node.js (read more about this at

Second, once complied, Bootstrap contains nothing but CSS, meaning there are no superfluous images, Flash, or Javascript. All that remains is simple and powerful CSS for your web development needs.

What’s inside

When you take a closer look at Bootstrap, you will notice we have separated the development files into seven distinct files:

  • reset.less A CSS reset originally made by Eric Meyer and modified for our use to remove unnecessary elements
  • preboot.less Color variables and mixins for things like gradients, transparencies, and transitions to simplify vendox-prefixed CSS blocks to one line of code each
  • scaffolding.less Basic and global styles for generating a grid system, structural layout, and page templates
  • type.less Headings, body text, lists, code, and more for a versatile and durable typography system
  • patterns.less Repeatable interface elements like navigation, modals, popovers, and tooltips to take you beyond the default scaffolding styles
  • forms.less Durable styles for various input types, form layouts, and control states.
  • tables.less Styles for tabular data in a number of varied displays

Since we opted to break our CSS into more manageable chunks for easy organization and iterations, compiling these files with Less means you end up with just one CSS file to include.

Why it works

Bootstrap works by providing a clean and uniform solution to the most common, everyday interface tasks developers come across. At Twitter, Bootstrap has quickly become one of our many go-to front-end tools when starting new applications and sites. This is because while it is very extensive, it’s flexible enough to work for many unique design needs.

Today, you can use Bootstrap to throw together quick prototypes or guide the execution of more sophisticated designs and larger engineering efforts. In other words, Bootstrap is a very simple way to promote quick, clean and highly usable applications.

We look forward to working with the open source community to evolve Bootstrap.

Where Bootstrap is heading

We want to keep working on slimming down Bootstrap’s already tiny footprint while also increasing the breadth of what it covers. As always, we’d love your feedback and hope you find it useful. If you’d like to help make Bootstrap better, feel free to fork it, file issues and watch its progress over on GitHub.