WHY: Why do you want the website?
What is it that you wish to achieve? What purpose must the website fulfill? Wanting a website must not be just that, but should have a goal. It’s important to do this because all elements of the website will totally depend on your goals for the website.
Tell them who you are!
As small as it may seem, the about us is one of the most important pages as it gives the users an insight into your company – and it also gives you the opportunity to earn goodwill with your users.
The 5-second rule:
Within 5 seconds, a user must be able to gauge what is your business – if not, there is something wrong! After all, it takes only 5 seconds to understand a person, isn’t it? Clear imagery, Simple Navigation and short headlines and content will help you pass this 5-second test!
The Picture-perfect Homepage:
A homepage is what decides whether a user can turn into a potential consumer or not. Aim to impress the consumer within 10 seconds itself, because 90% of people tend to take an immediate decision.
Call-To-Action buttons:
We can’t stress more on how important this is – because it is the MOST important part of any website. It’s important to show a clear and precise call-to-action to users – it shows them the direction you wish to take them to, and convert into a consumer. It should be designed in a way which gives all the details and specifications of the products, a user might need.
Track conversions:
This will help you understand the marketing strength of the website and will be able to track visitors, their inquiries or can get a detailed analysis of the business through the website.
With so much competition in the market, you don’t want to be lost in the crowd – testimonials with name and an image tend to add a lot more credibility. You could also include a few quotes or case studies, which will help users understand your style of work.
Keep it simple, easy-to-understand and supremely relevant. You really don’t want your users to get lost with complicated navigation now, do you?
Social Media Links:
Given how active we all are on Social Media, don’t be surprised if users first go on to your Social Media account instead of coming to the website – so remember to include your social links on your website – so users landing directly on the website can also track all your online activities.
Success Stories:
Last but not the least, try to incorporate a few customer success stories, awards or recognitions – these also help create an impression and tend to give an edge over the competitors without any success stories on their website!
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